>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Northern Signal Southern Signal
Bell: Sam-Sam Co Sam-Sam Co
Base: N/A N/A
Light Brackets: N/A Sam-Sam Co
Lights: 2 - 12" Sam-Sam Co w/ Sam-Sam Co Clear LEDs (Dead)
1 - 12" Sam-Sam Co w/ Sam-Sam Co Clear LEDs (Dead)
Gate Lights: 1 - Sam-Sam Co
3 - Sam-Sam Co (Dead)
Gate Mechanism: Sam-Sam Co Sam-Sam Co
Gate Striping: Vertical Striping Vertical Striping

Pictures 1-12 and the video were taken on January 5, 2024, by Roger's Trains.
This crossing is located on the Philippines National Railways.
Page created by Hopen111 (using HopenRXRTools 1.1.0).

Overview of 2 signals w/ gates and both a new and old crossbuck facing west.
2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
The northern signal. The lights here are completely broken. The remaining gate light also turns off when the gate is fully lowered for some reason.
The new crossbuck was installed recently sometime between November 2019- January 2021.
There was too much traffic to get to the other side unfortunately.
The signal box. The cat. Track view facing south towards Dela Rosa St. To the north is Malugay St. You can see the damaged southern signal in this shot, which is missing an entire light!