>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Western Signal Eastern Signal
Bell: N/A N/A
Base: Unmarked 4" Clamp Base Unmarked 4" Clamp Base
Lights: 4 - 8"x20" RACO incandescents 4 - 12"x20" Hawker Safetran incandsecents
Light Brackets: Griswold Griswold

Pictures 1-25 and the 1st video were taken on August 30, 2019, by Tommy McGowan.
Pictures 26-36 and the 2nd video were taken on September 3, 2022, by Hopen111.
Pictures 37-47 were taken on September 1, 2024, by Hopen111.
This crossing is located on the Midwest Electric Railway which is inside the county fairgrounds in Mt. Pleasant.

1 2
Overview of 2 gateless signals and one former gated signal facing northeast.
Side view facing south.
4 5
6 7 8
The southwestern signal.
9 10 14 12
13 14 15 16
The northwestern signal.  This obviously was a gated signal before, mostly likely used on the BN line, but the MERY decided a gate wasn't neccessary, as none of the MERY crossings have gates. This had a WCH base, 12"x20" Hawker Safetran incandescents, and a WCH Style 3 gate mechanism.
17 18
19 20 21
The eastern signal. This had two 8" Griswold Type B incandescents.
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The relay case in the northeast quadrant.
The grade is all gravel.
Track view facing north towards Northern Campground.
Track view facing south towards Southeast Corner.
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33 34 35 36
A return visit by Hopen111 in September 2022 shows that the northwestern signal was removed entirely and the eastern signal had its lights replaced with the lights from the gated signal. One of the wasn't pointed right though.

A return visit by Hopen111 shows no changes have occurred. The eastern signal is still as cursed as ever.

37 38 39
The eastern signal.
40 41
The western signal.
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45 46 47
The crossing in action!